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Uss Colorado Submarine Association

USS Colorado (SSN 788)

USS Colorado is the 15th Virginia class submarine. Construction started in March 2012 at Electric Boat Shipyard in Groton, Connecticut and she was delivered to the Navy on September 21, 2017. She was Commissioned at Naval Submarine Base in Groton on March 17, 2018. Her Ship's Sponsor is Ms. Annie Mabus. She is the fourth ship to bear the name Colorado.


The Association is organized to maintain a proud and active relationship between the citizens of Colorado and the crew and families of USS Colorado (SSN 788), specifically to:

  • Support the morale, well-being and recreation of the crew and their families.
  • Encourage, advocate, and generate statewide support for the crew of USS Colorado throughout the life of the submarine and to educate the citizens of Colorado about their namesake submarine.
  • Educate the crew about the beauty of Colorado and the heritage of previous vessels commissioned as USS Colorado.
  • Raise funds and finance appropriate events and activities associated with these objectives.


  • 10/25/2023 18:28 | Anonymous

    Our October newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure.  Click link below to review.

    October Newsletter

  • 10/18/2023 21:27 | Anonymous

    The Association recently received an Email from the Commanding Officer, CDR Beam with an update from their deployment. Here it is in part:

    "Deployment is going great. We have completed some primary tasking and executed a couple of foreign port visits. The crew has performed amazing and all of the time spent the previous year at sea and the late nights in port working on plans and maintenance have paid off.12 enlisted sailors have earned their silver dolphin warfare qualifications and 3 officers have earned their gold dolphin warfare qualifications. In addition, I have the extreme pleasure of introducing our two newest members of the Chiefs’ Mess, MMNC Chris Norsworthy and TMC Todd Schriver. We recently celebrated halfway-day and took a short break from our work to relax, recognize the accomplishments COLORADO has achieve thus far and of course, partake in the usual halfway festivities. I think the highlight for most of the crew was opening halfway boxes. It was great to “hear” from home and share some of the special things our loved ones included for us that made us all feel loved. An added bonus to this has been receiving care packages from the Colorado Chapter of DeMolay Freemasons and reading letters from the fourth and fifth graders from Mission Viejo Elementary School in Aurora, Colorado.”

  • 10/13/2023 09:25 | Anonymous

    Happy 248th Birthday, Navy!

    October 13 marks the birthday of the U.S. Navy, which traces its roots back to the early days of the American Revolution. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress established a naval force.

    Thank you to all our Sailors, Veterans and Navy family members that have served and supported the Navy.

  • 08/17/2023 13:42 | Anonymous

    USS Colorado's Triad Team: Commanding Officer CDR David Beam, Chief of the Boat STSCM Christopher Goss and Executive Officer LCDR Matthew Swezey.

  • 08/14/2023 13:37 | Anonymous

    We are sorry to hear of the passing of renowned Colorado Nature Photographer John Fielder. John had donated several of his iconic Colorado landscape pictures to USS Colorado (SSN 788) during the construction period. They now adorn the Crew's Mess, reminding the crew of the beauty of the state they represent. For the Commissioning Chairman's Reception, he personally put together and played a slide show of his pictures as a backdrop for the music portion of the event. He also attended a reception for the crew during one of their pre-commissioning visits to Colorado and donated one of his books to raffle off. He recently donated the majority of his work to History Colorado. We are grateful for his generosity, personal involvement and support of USS Colorado. He will be greatly missed. 

  • 07/13/2023 13:44 | Anonymous

    Prior to leaving the Family Readiness Group made up some 80 morale boosting Single Sailor boxes which the Association was happy to contribute to. 

  • 07/01/2023 13:42 | Anonymous

    USS Colorado departed on deployment on June 28. They had a great start as the Commanding Officer, CDR David Beam, re-enlisted ITS2 Hughes as the boat made its way down the Thames River. A huge congratulations to ITS2 for his dedication to serving the United States. A day later they committed the remains of one of the Sonarman’s grandfather to the deep in a burial at sea ceremony, a first for COLORADO. "The sun was rising and the wind was blowing gently from the northwest, it was a beautiful ceremony and we were honored to have been asked to do it." said CDR Beam.

  • 03/07/2023 17:58 | Anonymous

    What were you doing eight years ago today? Many of us were attending the Keel Laying Ceremony for the USS Colorado!

    The Keel Laying Ceremony for COLORADO (SSN 788) was held on Saturday March 7, 2015 at General Dynamics Electric Boat Quonset facility in North Kingston, RI. A number of speakers paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of the shipbuilders of Electric Boat and Newport News as well as the officers and crew of COLORADO.

    The ceremony took place next to sections of the SSN 791 DELAWARE and SSN 790 SOUTH DAKOTA. The backdrop for the ceremony was section 8-9 (pictured). This 100-foot, 1,600-ton module would soon contain COLORADO’s engine room. Later transported to the Groton shipyard, it was joined with three other hull sections to form the COLORADO.

  • 03/05/2023 18:02 | Anonymous

    We are sorry to report the passing of BB-45 veteran William Meadows Sr. who passed away on February 9th at the age of 95. His funeral was this last week, Thursday March 9th.

    Here is a link to his obituary:!/Obituary

    Mr. Meadows was a WWII and Korean War veteran; he served on several ships:

    LC (landing craft) 1944

    USS Duffy (destroyer) 1945

    USS Colorado in 1946

    USS Iowa (BB-61) in 1947 – 1948

  • 03/02/2023 11:02 | Anonymous

    Happy 11th Anniversary, COLORADO!

    On March 2, 2012, construction started on the USS Colorado (SSN-788). She was constructed at Electric Boat shipyard in Groton, CT known as the “Submarine Capitol of the World”. She is the fourth ship named Colorado.

    USS Colorado Submarine Association is an authorized 501(C)(3) Organization
    © 2019 USS Colorado Submarine Association. All rights reserved.


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